Sustainable Biomass
To protect the climate and reduce current CO2 emissions, the sustainable use of biomass for energy is to be encouraged. The 2009/28/EC Directive defines sustainability requirements for the use of biomass for energy. With the Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance (BioSt-NachV) and the Biofuels Sustainability Ordinance (Biokraft-NachV), the framework of the Renewable Energy Sources directive stipulated by the European Union for sustainability criteria for biofuels and liquid fuels is transposed into national law (Germany). In the meantime REDcert was recognized by the European Commission as a system for the certification of sustainable biomass.
The specifications of the sustainability ordinances apply for companies along the entire production, processing and supply chain all the way to the plant operator and those responsible for providing proof that they satisfy the requirements pursuant to the Energy Taxation Act. All operations engaged in the production and supply of biomass in compliance with these regulations must have pledged to comply with an approved certification scheme.
Therefore LACON has concluded a contract with REDcert, furthermore you will find more informations about REDcert here -> REDcert.