LACON Germany
LACON Germany locations Offenburg and Passau are accredited according to DIN ISO/EN 17065 for certifications of products, processes and services.You can find our DAkkS accreditation certificate here
Further information on the website of our accreditation body:
You can see which of our services fall under the scope of the DAkkS by the DAkkS logo shown next to the respective service.
LACON Austria
LACON Austria was first accredited on 15.04.1999 (BGB1.II Nr. 118/1999) according to EN 17065 by the Federal Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth for the areas specified in the regulation and listed under and received the Identification Number 0703.Bundesgesetzblatt BGBLA_2011_II_31.pdf
LACON Germany
LACON Germany was accredited by US Department of Agriculture (USDA) from October 2002 until June 2022.Temporarily, the accreditation will be surrendered, but we would still be pleased if you let us know of your interest in NOP certification anyway.
Further information on the website of our accreditation body: